
Showing posts from March, 2020

Advantages of Fish Farming Business

F ish farming in india  refers to the commercial generation  of fish in an enclosure or, when located in a body of freshwater or marine water, in an area that is penned off from the surrounding water by traps  or open nets. A fish farm is similar to a fish hatchery in that both can hold  500,000 and more fish. But, a fish hatchery is made  to raise the fish only to a young age before they are released into the wild, usually to bolster the numbers of that species. In contrast, a fish farm is designed to raise the fish until they are a size and age that makes them the best commercial cost . The fish are ultimately retrieved and sold, norma lly as whole or processed food. Although you can do fish farming business  in any country but countries with coastal areas are more suitable for this business. Fish farming business is the only method  of earning for many people in the world including India. Advantages There are many benefits  of starting commercial fish farming business and

5 Benefits of Vertical Farming

Farming, an activity norma lly reserved for rural areas, might soon take to the cities ““ vertically. By the year 2050, the world’s population is approx.  to get out  a staggering 9 billion, requiring the production of at least 70 percent more food to meet the average global consumption. This rapid develop  in population has put a new item of business on the table when it comes to food.  It’s become imperative that the method  we grow our food is effective and efficient. A spoiled crop would be a major blow. A drought? Catastrophic. By 2050, the world will be in dire require  of an innovative solution. One such solution is Vertical farming in mumbai , an agricultural technique that relies on hydroponics (placing seeds in a solution of minerals dissolved in water) to g et bigger  crops year-round. The farming takes place in greenhouses stacked one on top of the other to make  a massive greenhouse skyscraper able   to  feeding thousands. And it turns out he’s not the only one.