Why is vertical farming the future ?
The world's overall population is expected to increase by another 2 billion by 2040. Feeding such a large population will be the toughest part. Due to urbanization, every day we are losing lands that could be used for farming and cultivation. Studies observation suggests that the Earth has lost one- fourth of its arable lands over the last 50 years.
Will vertical farming offer a solution to food supply and air pollution? Countries with high population density, particularly those on islands, such as Japan and the United Kingdom, and countries where food can be more difficult to grow due to climate, such as Sweden and Iceland, rely heavily on import to feed their populations.
India is the country with the maximum population. India is evolving every day with something new. Also, industrialization is increasing dramatically due to which many arable lands are at greater risk. Vertical farming in India is the answer to all these problems.
Vertical agriculture is an innovative way of maintaining our agricultural practices. In India, vertical farming is mostly polyhouse-based farming. Poly-house farming is a protected way that gives higher productivity and yield of vegetables and fruits across India.
1. Year-round crop production
2. Eliminates agricultural runoff
3. Significantly reduces use of fossil fuels (farm machines and transport of crops)
4. Makes use of abandoned or unused properties
5. No weather related crop failures
6. Offers the possibility of sustainability for urban centers
Vertical farming is efficient as well as sustainable technology. Soil Based vertical Farming has Lots of advantages over traditional farming. Most importantly it is Farming in your control. Control means control of production, maintaining quality, prevention from diseases.
Oxygen Vertical farms would improve air quality in urban environments. They would also reduce transportation requirements and lead to fresher produce.
Less land Farmers can maximize output from an area of land. Hydroponics has been able to produce crop yields that surpass traditional methods. They allow farmers to supply crops with water and nutrients at a much higher efficiency. Stacking plants vertically also reduces land requirements.
More natural land available Some argue that Vertical farming projects would allow current farmland to return to its natural state of forest and marshland. However, no consideration has been given to the landowners.
Environmental impact of construction Even eco-friendly buildings have an environmental impact.
Fewer chemicals A sealed environment would also give farmers the potential to better control the environment, meaning fewer pests and diseases, and less need for chemicals.
Clean water Plants can be used to clean wastewater and their respiration can be collected as clean, drinkable water.
24 hours of growth Although it may seem illogical to use artificial lighting to grow plants. Artificial lighting would mean that, in some stages of growth, plants could have 24 hours of light, speeding up growth time. It would also increase potential food production in locations where natural light is scarce or days are short.
A S AGRI AND AQUA LLP is a group of professional and experienced people joined together with one common goal of farming and aquaculture promising the world's best Hi-Tech Agriculture and Aquaculture. There are many vertical farming companies, yet we promise to give effective and best results with timely delivery.
Understudying the need for vertical farming is important. Therefore, we provide training programs and workshops. We understand the need for vertical agriculture. The requirements and equipment are managed and processed by the current Indian market trends.
We provide excellent services which also includes Turmeric vertical farming under poly-house. Product quality is the area of focus along with on-time supply and transportation of cultivated vegetables and mints. We use the latest Hi-technology and assure securing sustainability for urban areas with no environmental damage or harmful effects on human health and the environment.
Vertical Farming in Dubai is the best practice that should be encouraged alongside industrialization in India.
Vertical turmeric farming is the Next Generation Urban farming project lead by A S AGRI AND AQUA which includes the mass production of organic turmeric in side polyhouse
Vertical farming in poly house ensures the high yield with lesser resources saving 80% of water, hugely on labours and with excellent quality. Polyhouse ensures the farming is protected from nature uncertainty and disease without requiring harmful chemicals.
> 100 Times More yield > Less Water Consumption > Minimum Man Power > 100% Natural Product > Vertical Farming
Considering the huge demand in the International Market, we have selected Turmeric crops to be grown by Turmeric Vertical Farming. Understand that we produce 5% Curcumin content Turmeric in Polyhouse, which is eligible for Export. Another property of Turmeric is its shelf life. 3 Years nothing will happen to this crop, once it is dried and we have a technology, through which we can preserve it till 6 years. India produces 82% Turmeric (Curcumin less than 3%) in the world and we are major consumers of this type of turmeric. Domestically it is consumed mainly in powder form. So in future we can also start producing 5% of Curcumin Turmeric Powder which will be a huge business, which is not yet started.
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